Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Come out, come out, wherever you are!

First off, let me start by asking that you please excuse my spelling and grammar! Looking over my past couple of posts I realize just how much damage mommy brain is doing to my writing! Now that old wives tales now have tails and everything else seems to be in past tense (except of course what I want to be, pregnancy) I will carry on with my train of thought typing with probably a tad more editing before posting!

So today was my own personal due date. I have been convinced since about the beginning of December that this baby would be coming today. Don't ask me why, I just had the hunch. Then in January, when I had my growth ultrasound because this little munchkin going to be HUGE, the ultrasound had analyzed my due date to be TODAY, March 18th, based on the size. I thought it was my own personal confirmation.

Well of course, as I sit here in bed (with the flu no less) I have no baby, and no definite sign that he/she will be making their appearance within the next 3.5 hours. There are lots of natural induction methods out there that are supposed to help, the most popular recommended one of course, have sex..WHAT, how can any 9+ month pregnant women seriously even have the slightest desire to do the deed just to get the baby out! I mean really! Don't your hips hurt enough with all the stretching going on, and what about the pain from having a baby head banging up against your pubic bone as it tries to get in that pelvic opening? Not to even mention the heartburn, the ever changing map of stretchmarks, the swelling, I think you get my point... but I seriously read these mommy message boards about these women bedding down all the time to get the baby out. I guess I should just be impressed with their motivation! I would rather use castor oil and have exploding bowels...but hey that's just my choice! Maybe TMI for some of you out there, sorry.

Hmm, what are some other fun ways to get this baby out? Trying to talk it out hasn't worked, I don' t have the patience for nipple stimulation, I've tried the manual breast pump, but that's a little uncomfortable and time consuming, and I'm saving the castor oil for tomorrow night I think. Since I have a horrible cough from the flu, I'm thinking that might be helping move things along, in fact I'm actually worried that all the pressure from coughing might break my water. My midwife is convinced that happened to the other midwife in the office! Yet, I want this baby out, so I guess if it takes some forceful coughing to do it, I won't complain. But the deal should be that the coughs go away for labor right!

Anyways, this baby is coming this week, I still promise. I've got the moon on my side, its full on Friday and being the star gazer I am, I have faith that its going to bring on the labor!

Right now, the baby is rebelling against the wait (seriously, I typed that, wait instead of weight, it's so embarrassing) of the laptop and so I guess I better sign off...wish me luck in bringing this baby home this week!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Well, I still vouch for good ole fashion sex. See, it's something *I* would have tried with the girls but hubby wouldn't go for it. MEN! I would have settled for "artificial insemination" style but even that was always a no go. Sorry, THAT is probably TMI! LOL The only other thing you didn't mention that the doc always recommended was foot massages. I can't remember exactly where the pressure point is but I believe it's somewhere near the back inside maybe?

At any rate - you're at the most frustrating time of pregnancy. Trust me...been there & done that! The time will be upon you before you know it though. Keep busy & keep moving. Maybe if Baby L hasn't made an arrival by early next week we can take our little pooches for a stroll. Lots of walking is always a good way to get things going too!

Hang in there Missy! ;o)