Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Natural Induction? Not for the weak stomach!

So its now March 26th! I had fully expected to have a little baby attached to me by now (attached on the outside, as it technically is still attached!) I thought mom's knew best...I was so certain that I would have an early delivery, I would've bet our house on it! I guess, as someone said, this is their way of showing me that I really have little control, already.

I have been having some regular and good strong contractions, they actually got pretty painful yesterday afternoon right when my husband got home! Speaking of which, I'm already on maternity leave and have been spending some significant amount of time cooking...two nights in a row, hubby comes home to something in the oven and we are eating dinner by 6pm! I told him not to get used to it as once this baby makes their debut, that will likely stop for a while, but I can't lie, its kind of fun. I made some italian bread last night, homemade, fresh Italian bread and it was yummy! I just added some garlic butter and we had it with our spaghetti pie, that I also made (and stuck one in the freezer for when I've got the aforementioned attachment). I also made a lemon creme pie, though it didn't quite hit the lemon craving I was going for....I really want a meringue, but have no clue where to start and don't feel like looking it up today. Well in regards to the contractions, they slowed down and eventually ended once I went to bed! Damn it!

So back to my topic at hand, natural induction. I tried a couple induction methods last week...I even tried sex! I needed to "ripen my cervix" for the Castor oil I took the next morning. This was Wednesday of last week. Obviously, it didn't work. Well, I WON"T be trying the sex again. I won't go into details, but I'll just say it wasn't sexy! I did however just finish two ounces of castor oil in some OJ! I figured I have to be almost ready by now! My mom took next week off to stay here and I wanted to be home a couple days with baby just to kind of get used to each other. I'll tell you, I don' t mind the effects of castor oil so much as the effort of trying to get it down, it really is nasty, its best if you don't think about what you are doing at all!

Well it seems to be doing the job it is designed for....if you all don' t know what that is, I'll just say that you purchase it in the same aisle as you would an enema or the like!

Oh, there's a good "Surviving Motherhood" episode on regarding kids affecting your marriage and drinking a glass of wine in front of your kids.... I'll have to sign on now to watch but will return!


Heather said...

So I take it today is out for a walk? LOL ;o) Baby is probably sitting in there with it's tongue sticking out saying "na na na na na NA" just because he/she knows you want it OUT. Well, hopefully this bout of caster oil does the job. Just as long as you don't deliver until after 6am tomorrow morning! I've got to make it through work tonight. hehe Regardless....COME OUT BABY BABY!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Cerina, Dont know if you will remember me or not. We waitressed together at FL Butlers!! Found you when I was searching for people from Mt.Blue HS. Anyway just want to say HI! And hope your little bundle of joy joins the real world real soon. You definetely sound anxious!! Will check back to see pictures of the little one! Kelly